Yum How I Finally Broke My Plastic Zip-Top Bag Habit — Shopping


How I Finally Broke My Plastic Zip-Top Bag Habit — Shopping

We all have our home vices, don't we? Taryn, Apartment Therapy's Lifestyle Editor, for instance, went on a "Green Clean" journey to reduce her dependance on paper towels — a move that made me take a good hard look at my own wasteful practices in and around my home. I'm pretty good about remembering to bring my reusable bags to the grocery store (and when I forget, I always try to return the plastic bags to the recycling bin at my local Publix on the next trip). My detergent and cleaning products are mostly eco-friendly and won't hurt the water supply (or so the packaging says). But there was one item I couldn't run from; something I used and abused in a way that was frankly a bit out of control: resealable plastic bags.


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