Yum The Unexpected Place in Your Kitchen You're Not Cleaning Enough — Food News


The Unexpected Place in Your Kitchen You're Not Cleaning Enough — Food News

There are so many places in your kitchen that you need to clean (or, in the case of sponges) replace regularly, like your cutting boards and sink. But as it turns out, there's more to be afraid of than germs in your kitchen. As a man in Florida recently discovered, your fridge can actually explode.

He happened to be home when he heard the explosion from the kitchen. Thankfully he and his family were unharmed, but the explosion was so powerful it caused cracks in the ceiling, broke a window in the master bedroom, and completely destroyed his fridge. Turns out, the coils in the back of the fridge had become clogged, trapping hot gas, which resulted in the explosion. Yeah, I didn't even know there were coils in the back of my fridge.


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