Grocery shopping used to be my least favorite chore. The crowded aisles, the crying children, the stress of figuring out what to buy and what it would cost. I would walk through the doors of my local grocery store less like a person shopping for food and more like an angry robot programmed to kill for (or cry over) the best broccoli heads.
I'd rush through the entire trip, glaring at anyone who dared to stand in the middle of an aisle looking at which brand of pasta to buy. But then I'd also wonder which brand of pasta to buy! Did everyone else know something I didn't? Could my cart double as a battering ram if necessary? Could I hide in it if necessary? See? I was all over the place!
Hardly a surprise, I'd feel even more stressed and anxious when I left the store than when I arrived.
If this experience sounds all too familiar, you're not alone. A hatred of grocery shopping isn't uncommon, especially if you're a millennial. (I am.) In my experience, the stress and anxiety that goes along with a rushed and unenjoyable grocery trip is what really makes grocery shopping a much disliked task.
Thankfully, there are quite a few things you can do to stop stressing over your trip to the store. Here are six ways I personally turned one of the worst parts of my week into one I look forward to.