Yum Meet the Man Cooking Every Single Ina Garten Recipe (At 650, He's Halfway There) — Follow Him


Meet the Man Cooking Every Single Ina Garten Recipe (At 650, He's Halfway There) — Follow Him

Trent Pheifer is patiently awaiting an invitation to one of Ina Garten's infamous dinner parties in the Hamptons, but in the meantime, he's hosting his own in his apartment in NYC. Why? He's the mystery man behind the Instagram account @StoreboughtIsFine, a not-so-subtle homage to his culinary idol, the Barefoot Contessa.

For years he's been working his way through Ina's entire archive of recipes (totaling over 1,200) — Julie and Julia style. He's nearly halfway through his mission and showing no signs of stopping. A nod to one of Ina's favorite catch phrases, @StoreboughtIsFine is a running list of Trent's real-life trials of Ina's recipes. Each gram is a glimpse at what Ina's recipes look like when they're not shot by a professional cookbook photographer — and are usually followed by his honest opinions of the food (typically glowing).

We got a chance to catch up with Trent to find out how his Ina obsession began, how he meticulously tracks his progress, and about the time that he magically ran into his idol in a Parisian restaurant.


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