Yum The Only Chocolates to Buy at Costco — Shopping


The Only Chocolates to Buy at Costco — Shopping

Maybe you loved the Valentine's Day card exchange as a kid and go all out with a fancy dinner every February 14, or maybe you're over the commercial holiday and its pushy marching orders for "romance." Either way, I think there's one thing we can agree on: Any excuse to buy some chocolate is always welcome.

And if you want to stock up on loads of chocolate, well, you know where to go. Your standby and mine, Costco, is there waiting with its multi-pound boxes and bags of all things chocolate. The warehouse isn't your spot to buy a jewel-box container of hand-crafted chocolates for your one true (and very discerning) love. But if you're shopping for a long list of sweethearts (your SO, BFF, coworkers, etc.) or just want to stock up, Costco has options.

Unlike so much of the rest of their offerings, where you get one or two options in any one item, this time of year at least Costco is rolling out the chocolate brigade. So which do you choose? Reader, I — and some willing friends — tried them all so you don't have to. There's one choice you can't go wrong with.


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