Yum The One Thing You (Probably) Didn't Know About Jalapeños — Food News


The One Thing You (Probably) Didn't Know About Jalapeños — Food News

Sometimes it feels like Twitter only exists so you can see those same four GIFs of Steve Carell-as-Michael Scott a dozen times a day, so fast food restaurants' social media teams can dunk on each other, and so that guy you went to high school with can type "LOL IT SNOWED TODAY COULD REALLY USE SOME OF THAT GLOBAL WARMING LOL."

Occasionally, though, you'll scroll past a legit-good Marie Kondo-related tweet, or you'll see something like this "Before and After" chart of different kinds of chiles. Writer and editor Silvia Moreno-Garcia posted the photo, which shows how the appearances of six different chiles change after they've been dried, and lists their new names as well. When you smoke-dry a jalapeño, for example, it becomes a chipotle — and that sound you just heard was me taking a seat to think about that for a few minutes.


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