Ky and Mel, two sisters from South Dakota, are attempting to crack open the space between restaurant and lifestyle brand. Their fermented food laboratory, GYST, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, was probably best-known for their fermentation bar, which served things like miso caramel corn, peanut butter and kimchi sandwiches, and of course kombucha and wine. But the sisters recently closed down regular service (it's still open for workshops, classes, and private events) to explore other ideas.
There's Ky's research with the University of Minnesota, for starters, where she's looking to see how different fermented vegetables affect your gut. And Mel is excited to be working on a "Meet the Winemaker" series, which connects winemakers directly to the GYST community members. They've even recently hosted fitness classes at the fermentation bar that end in a glass or two of wine (my personal favorite idea).
I spent time with Ky and Mel to talk about their favorite fermentation projects and the ingredients they're most excited about right now.